Elizabet M Company
How It Works
Step -1
Schedule Your Appointment
Choose a one-time service with a €10 administrative fee or our €15/month carpet cleaning membership. This fee covers processing, sending the cleaning agreement, a manager’s presence at your first cleaning, and detailed invoices after each service.
For memberships, pricing is fixed—just review the estimated time for scheduling.
See our Pricelist and book now!
Step -2
Fill The Estimate Form
Complete the form, which also acts as an intake form to specify your cleaning needs.
- For one-time services, review the estimated time and price—keeping in mind that it’s an approximate figure.
- For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
Step -3
Arrange Time and Date
We Will Contact You: After receiving your form, we will reach out via email, phone, or WhatsApp to arrange the exact time and date for your cleaning service.
- For one-time services, review the
- For one-time services, review the estimated time and price—keeping in mind that it’s an approximate figure.
- For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
Step -4
Sign the Cleaning Agreement
Once the time and date are set, we will send you the cleaning agreement to sign online.
For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
- For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Step -5
Confirmation and Service
With the agreement signed and your cleaning date is confirmed. Just sit back and relax.
For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
Step -6
Receive and Pay Your Bill
Once you receive the bill, complete your payment. After payment, you will receive an invoice confirming your payment.
For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
For memberships (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), just check the estimated time since the price is fixed according to your chosen plan.
NOTE: After our team completes their work, you will receive a bill. Simply pay the post-service amount, which will include the transportation fee based on the distance. After payment, you will receive an invoice confirming your payment.
Transportation fees are as follows:
- Within 5 km: Free
- From 5 to 10 km: 20 euros
- From 10 to 20 km: 30 euros
- From 20 to 40 km: 40 euros
- For distances longer than 40 km, we can negotiate the price.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact us or send a message on Whatsapp.
We look forward to making your space shine!